“I have seen a few acupuncturists in the past and Brenda really is the best I've found. She is passionate and very knowledgeable. I've been seeing Brenda for my neck and back muscles. My sessions are always customized and treatments combine cupping (Love it!), needling, massage (Amazing!), moxibustion, and electro-stimulation. The results have been fantastic and I just purchased a pack of 10 sessions. Brenda has a way of making you feel calm and relaxed. I highly recommend Brenda to beginners and experienced lovers of acupuncture!”
Wow, that is what is how I feel after seeing Brenda for Acupuncture! Brenda is skillful, listens, and is simply amazing. I have been going to her for over two months and my health is improving. I am on a regime of herbs and she has helped me change my diet to better suite me. I give Brenda 5 stars and if I could her more I would.
“I saw Brenda for a few sessions. Holy cow! She doesn't mess around. She's AH-MAZING [...] After the first session, I already felt a HUGE improvement in my condition. I went back 2 more times to really knock out the pain and I have never felt better. I plan on being faithful and a repeat customer. I highly recommend her!!”
“I have been going to Brenda for about 6 months now to help with controlling my crohn's disease. I used to be on all kinds of medications and didn't like putting all of that in my body but I had to do something because I was having a lot of cramping and bleeding. Brenda was recommended to me and I am so glad! Through the acupuncture treatments and herbs, I am able to control the symptoms without being on any medication. She is very professional, really listens to what is going on and adjusts her treatments accordingly. She is great and I would highly recommend her! ”